Saturday, April 11, 2009

Martin Parish Register Records from Thierstein, Wunsiedel, Germany

In 1987, I corresponded with the Parish Priest of the Lutheran Church in Thierstein, Germany, and received the following information concerning our Martin Ancestors who had lived there.
Below are copies of records from the Registers of Evangelical Lutheran Parish in Thierstein, Germany. (According to the Standard Finder we should use the following place name: Thierstein, Wunsiedel, Oberfranken, Bayern, Germany.)

There was a "great fire" in Thierstein in 1725 and the parish registers were destroyed. So, records are not available prior to 1725 (at least according to the parish priest).

The first record shown below is a chart (made by the Parish Priest) showing our ancestors who lived in Thierstein. On the top of the chart is our earliest recorded ancestor, Johann Martin, down to our immigrant ancestor, Johann Mathias Martin.  Mathias Martin was born in 1809 in Thierstein, Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1847.
Below the chart are the individual records or certificates showing births and marriages that occurred in Thierstein.
Starting at bottom with Johann Mathias Martin

Key Words:
German > English
geboren > birth
kind von > child of
taufzeugnis > christening certificate
trauzeugnis > marriage certificate

Johann Matthaus Martin Christening 1809
Johann Christoph Martin Christening 1788
1808 Marriage Record
Johann Christoph Martin - Elisabeth Katharina Radel
Johann Christoph Martin Christening Record

Elizabeth Catharina Radel Christening Record
Johann Melchior Martin Christening Record

beruf > occupation
gutsbesitzer > landowner

Marriage Record
Johann Martin - Maria Sophia Reiss

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